The Hidden Danger of Radon Gas in Your Abbotsford Home

Whenever we list a property, we have multiple forms that must be filled out and completed. One of those essential forms is what is called the Property Disclosure Statement. It is intended to be the seller's disclosure of what they know about the property. Or sometimes, to explain some things that may have happened in the property over the years that may not be obvious. One of the new features of the disclosure statement is whether Radon Gas has been discovered and, if it has, what remedies have been applied. 

Since it is a new disclosure, many homeowners may be unfamiliar with Radon Gas and how it might impact their property. The following information will be helpful to determine if it is vital for your circumstances. 

Radon gas is an invisible threat that could be lurking in your Abbotsford home. Recent initiatives to expand radon testing in the region highlight the need for homeowners to take action against this radioactive gas. 

Radon is a naturally occurring gas that forms from the breakdown of uranium in soil and rock. When radon seeps into your home through cracks in the foundation, it can accumulate to dangerous levels. According to the BC Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC), radon is the leading cause of lung cancer for non-smokers. 

The danger is that you can't see, taste, or smell radon. The gas is completely odourless and colourless. The only way to know if radon has infiltrated your home is to test for it. Health Canada recommends all homes be tested for radon.

In October 2022, the Fraser Valley Regional District launched an initiative to expand radon testing across the region. The district provided residents radon test kits for a limited time at a subsidized rate and advocated for provincial support for radon mitigation. 

The push for more testing comes after the BCCDC released an [interactive radon map]( showing radon hotspots across BC. The map estimates radon levels based on test results and geology. According to the map, areas of the Fraser Valley show that 3% of homes are at risk with elevated radon levels. 

Radon gas enters homes through cracks in the foundation, construction joints, pipe gaps, and dirt floors. The gas then becomes trapped inside when air pressure causes the house to act like a vacuum. Without proper ventilation, radon concentrations build up. 

Long-term exposure to radon, especially at high levels, significantly increases your lung cancer risk. Radon exposure is the number one cause of lung cancer among non-smokers, according to [Fraser Health](

Testing and mitigation are the only ways to protect your family from radon. If your home tests high for radon, you should take steps to reduce the levels through improved ventilation or a radon mitigation system. Mitigation involves installing a vent pipe and fan that draws radon from beneath the home and vents it outside.  

Radon levels can vary significantly from season to season and even day to day, so the most accurate way to determine if your home has a problem is to do a long-term test over at least 90 days. So, please protect yourself and your loved ones by testing your Fraser Valley home for radon. Test kits are available from hardware stores, lung associations, and private radon testing companies. You can also borrow them from the library, and for more information and radon test kits, visit the [Fraser Valley Regional Library website](

Radon is an invisible threat, but we can detect it and take action. Join local efforts to reduce radon risks across the Fraser Valley region. Testing your home is the only way to know if high radon levels are quietly endangering your family. 

We post regularly about issues affecting your Abbotsford and Fraser Valley homes and would invite you to check out our other posts by clicking here. If you think a move is in your future, check out our resources page for our Property Marketing Plan. 

So Until next time. Have a great day!