No One Left Behind: Tackling Homelessness in Abbotsford Through Community Action

Homeless in Abbotsford

The Homelessness Crisis in Abbotsford

Homelessness has become a pressing issue in Abbotsford, BC, with a significant number of individuals facing housing insecurity and lack of access to essential services. According to the 2020-21 Report on Homeless Counts in BC, the Fraser Valley region, which includes Abbotsford, had an estimated homeless population of 617 individuals. This figure represents a concerning reality, with many individuals living in precarious conditions and lacking stable housing.Visible encampments have emerged in various parts of the City, drawing attention to the severity of the situation. These encampments not only highlight the lack of affordable housing options but also raise concerns about the health, safety, and well-being of those residing in them. The presence of encampments has also sparked debates within the community, with some expressing concerns about public safety and the impact on local businesses and neighbourhoods.

Personal Perspective

These conditions weren't always the case, and I don't know if I could accurately say when we made the transition from small town to City. And does that really matter? For me, I struggle with the fact that people in my town don't have a roof over their heads and a way to stay safe from the elements of nature and other elements that intend to take advantage of the vulnerable. My struggle doesn't stop there. I also have to ask, "What am I prepared to do about it?" My first step was to explore what City Hall had planned, and I am reasonably happy to learn they had some plans in place. Are they enough? I don't know, and I'm not in any position to judge. I also realize there are some very good organizations in our community that do good work in helping the vulnerable. But that doesn't let me off the hook. Having grown up in Abbotsford, I've seen a significant metamorphosis of our community. Transforming from the small town I knew as a boy into the City I now live in has been a consistent advance of numeric growth as well as a growth in services and amenities for its citizens. Having been in the field of Real Estate for most of my adult life, I would have to say I have benefitted greatly from the growth of our community. In having benefitted, does this also infer being complicit in where our community is today? Like many in our community, it is easy to see we have a problem on our hands. Also, like many, the solutions may seem somewhat overwhelming and unattainable. Especially when we consider our participation as an individual. While talking to a friend the other day, I was approached by a homeless person who asked for any spare change I might have. Since most of my transactions are not done with cash today, I wasn't able to oblige. The discussion ensued with my friend on whether or not it is a good idea to provide a gift of cash and whether or not the recipient would just take the money and use it to do harm to themselves. Maybe you have had a similar conversation. On other occasions, I have given what was requested, but did I do that to appease my own feelings, or was I truly concerned for the person standing in front of me? Clearly, this is something that needs to be worked through. I am fortunate to live in an affluent community, in a wealthy province, in a resource-filled country. Surely I can do better.  
Below are some initiatives the City has been involved in, as represented by its website.

Local Initiatives and Programs

The City of Abbotsford has implemented several initiatives to address homelessness in the community. The Reaching Home program, funded by the Government of Canada, aims to prevent and reduce homelessness across the country through community-based projects.The Homelessness Action Plan (HAP) is the City's internal strategy document that outlines immediate actions and future plans to tackle homelessness. It includes the HEART (Housing, Employment, Advocacy, Resource Team) and HEARTH (Housing, Employment, Advocacy, Resource Team for Housing) programs, which provide outreach services and support to individuals experiencing homelessness.Additionally, the City has recently invested in several shelter and supportive housing projects, such as the Abbotsford Temporary Emergency Shelter and the Cyrus Centre, which offer transitional housing and support services. The Housing First approach, which prioritizes providing permanent housing and then offering support services, has also been adopted by various organizations in the community.

Community Impact and Challenges

Homelessness in Abbotsford has had a profound impact on both the homeless population and the broader community. According to the Abbotsford Community Foundation's 2022 Vital Signs report, homelessness, affordable housing, and crime were identified as the top three concerns among residents.For those experiencing homelessness, the challenges are immense. They often face issues related to mental health, addiction, trauma, and lack of access to affordable housing and supportive services. "It's a daily struggle just to find a safe place to sleep and access basic necessities," said one individual who has been homeless for several years.The visible presence of homeless encampments and individuals living on the streets has also raised safety concerns among some community members. "I don't feel comfortable walking alone in certain areas anymore," shared a local resident. "It's heartbreaking to see people living in such difficult conditions, but it also creates a sense of unease."Despite these challenges, there is a growing recognition that a compassionate and proactive approach is needed. As stated in the article "The Cabin: A Proactive and Collaborative Approach to Homelessness", "We need proactive solutions that address the root causes of homelessness and provide a pathway to stable housing and support services."

How the Community Can Help

Abbotsford residents have numerous opportunities to contribute to local efforts addressing homelessness. Volunteering with organizations like the Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) BC and the Fraser Valley Rent Bank ( can make a significant impact. These groups provide essential services such as shelter diversion, wraparound client support, and housing assistance.Community members can also participate in donation drives and fundraising events organized by organizations like the Abbotsford Community Hub Centre ( These initiatives help raise funds and collect necessary items like non-perishable foods, clothing, and hygiene products for those experiencing homelessness.Advocacy and active participation in local government meetings and forums are crucial for driving policy changes and securing resources to address homelessness effectively. Attending City Council meetings, voicing concerns, and supporting proposed initiatives can influence decision-makers to prioritize this issue.Success stories of community involvement abound, such as the collaborative efforts that led to the establishment of the Warm Zone, a temporary shelter during the COVID-19 pandemic. When residents, businesses, and organizations unite, significant progress can be made in providing shelter, support services, and long-term solutions for those experiencing homelessness in Abbotsford.

Conclusion: A Call to Action for Community Engagement

Homelessness is a complex issue that requires a collective effort from the entire community. By addressing the root causes and providing comprehensive support systems, we can work towards a future where everyone has access to safe and stable housing. The impact of homelessness extends far beyond the individuals directly affected, influencing the overall well-being and prosperity of our community.As members of the Abbotsford community, we all have a role to play in tackling this pressing issue. Here are some specific actions you can take:
  • Volunteer your time and skills with local organizations like Archway Community Services (, which provides essential services and support to those experiencing homelessness.
  • Participate in donation drives and fundraising events organized by groups such as 5 & 2 Ministries  (, which help provide resources and funding for homelessness initiatives.
  • Attend community meetings and engage with local government representatives to advocate for increased funding, improved policies, and more effective solutions to address homelessness.
  • Educate yourself and others about the realities of homelessness, dispel myths and stereotypes, and promote empathy and understanding within your social circles.
By working together as a community, we can create a more compassionate and inclusive environment for all. Every small action can make a significant difference in the lives of those struggling with homelessness and contribute to the overall well-being of our City. Let us join forces and be part of the solution, ensuring that Abbotsford remains a vibrant and caring community for all its residents.