June 2023

Top 3 Storage Hacks for Abbotsford Condo Dwellers

Posted on Jun 05, 2023

Living in a condo in Abbotsford has many perks, but one challenge many residents face is the lack of storage space. With limited square footage, making the most of every inch of your home is essential. This blog post'll explore the top three storage hacks for individuals living in Abbotsford condos, helping you maximize your space and maintain a cl...

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National Real Estate Market Update for 2023

Posted on Jun 05, 2023

There’s an old adage in real estate: location, location, location. But ever since the Bank of Canada began its series of inflation-fighting interest rate hikes last year, a new mantra has emerged: mortgage rates, mortgage rates, mortgage rates.

Higher rates had the immediate impact of cooling homebuyer affordability and demand. But when the Bank of...

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